2021 RMPC Annual Meeting


RMPC Annual Meeting
We want to give an update and invite you to our upcoming Annual Meeting. We were disappointed to postpone our meeting in April as many of you had registered to attend. However, with the restrictions and concerns over COVID we believed it was best. As we look at the rest of 2020 and through speaking with some of you as church leaders, along with many churches still ramping up the restart of gathering together again, we have decided to hold the next RMPC Annual Meeting on Feb 4, 2021. 

RMPC continues to grow every month with new agencies, new chaplains, and new opportunities.  God is growing our ranks and opening doors into once closed arenas of influence.  It is our responsibility to move effectively and with excellence into this next season of our chaplaincy.  One important element is our connectedness. We are excited to see all that God will do in the coming months and years.    

Annual Rocky Mountain Police Chaplains Meeting
Thursday, February 4, 2021
9:30 - 2:30pm

Location: Mission Hills Church
620 SouthPark Dr
Littleton, CO 80120
Room: The Grove - Covid Precautions Taken
Food: Lunch will be on your own, restaurants nearby
RSVP - Please click here

The focus of this meeting will be to cast our vision and strategy for 2021.

  1. Update and Summary of what’s been happening

  2. Chaplain Care - self care of the chaplain.  How should this look?

  3. Building the alliances within our region.  We will break up and form subgroups to better connect and resource ourselves.

  4. New organizational structure and updated documents

  5. Summary of our updated mission statement 

  6. Summary of our newly defined messaging and how this impacts our strategy

  7. Open forum Q & A.  A time to share, ask questions and hear from others

We want to encourage everyone to make this a priority for you and your Chaplain Team.