Benevolence Fund


Fund Request

Rocky Mountain Police & Fire Chaplains (RMPFC) desires to serve those we serve in many different ways. One of these opportunities involves supporting individuals that have an unforeseen/critical circumstance disrupting their service to our community and affecting many aspects of their life. Assistance through the Benevolence Fund are considered on a case-by-case basis with the goal of helping the individual/family regain or remain self-sufficient.

In the best of circumstances, it is hoped that the RMPFC Benevolence Fund’s support would be a supplement and support to assist an overall and larger effort that is already being provided by a social service/medical agency or faith-based organization within the community. Monetary support is only one piece of the help people need in a time of crisis and we encourage all requests for assistance to seek out all resources within their community simultaneous to submitting a request.

Funding Areas
Our funding areas include individuals/families battling cancer or suffer significant loss. Funding support could include a one time donation or set up a donation account to share with family, friends, and colleagues. The donated funds can be used to support medical or approved family expenses. The funding area criteria are listed below.

Referral Process
RMPFC relies on referrals from the member agencies/chaplains serving with RMPFC. The primary referrals are law enforcement organizations/officers that in the course of their duties and daily activities have impacted individuals/families in need. While a social service/medical agency or faith-based organizations within the community may refer individuals to RMPFC, the grant must be co-sponsored by a law enforcement officer or agency. Referral Agent/Agencies submit requests on behalf of the individual based on their due diligence of the individual’s circumstances and applicability to the Fund’s program funding areas. Requests are submitted in person and through the RMPFC website, then approved by the Executive Director and the RMPFC internal review process.

Confidentiality of Gift Giving
RMPFC Benevolent Fund awards are by design a program that is intended to be out of public awareness whenever possible and appropriate. RMPFC conducts much of this type of emergency support anonymously and it is the intent of RMPFC to maintain the same degree of anonymity with its awards.  While RMPFC is in the public eye in its efforts to raise awareness and resources, the privacy and dignity of all grant requests and awards will be protected unless and until other arrangements warrant a more public posture. Therefore, the existence of the Fund is generally kept between RMPFC, our Referral Agency Partners, and the individual recipients of RMPFC Benevolence Fund.


Individual/Family suffering unexpected medical/health expenses. This may include:
• Hospital / Doctor Visits
• Cancer Treatment
• Medications

Individual or family needs support for funeral expenses after the loss of an immediate family member. This may include:
• Funeral expenses
• Burial expenses
• Travel expenses

Funding Exclusions

Under no circumstances will Rocky Mountain Police Chaplains support the following areas:

  • Non-Crisis Situations- RMPFC considers a crisis situation to be unexpected or one that requires immediate attention to prevent further complications.

  • Past Due Medical Bills- RMPFC does not support past due medical bills, or insurance premiums. The RMPFC does not fund costs associated with cosmetic surgery.

  • Grants for Existing Debt- RMPFC does not make payments for credit cards, payday loans, or rent-to-own contracts.

  • Grants for Attorney, Legal Fees, or Fines- RMPFC does not assist with fines imposed by legal authority, attorney fees, or court costs.

  • Education and Business Ventures- RMPFC does not support educational or business endeavors in the form of tuition or loan payments, or obligations incurred by a business failure or speculative venture.

  • Please Note the Rocky Mountain Police & Fire Chaplains reserves the right to decline any request

  • Click here for the full RMPFC Benevolent Fund Policy

To make a request and/or nominate a recipient, please fill out the Benevolence Fund Request below.