The National Emergency Responder and Public Safety Center knows the unique challenges responders and their families face and has created a powerhouse of resources to build and enhance sustained performance, wellness, and resiliency.
Family courses & resources include:
How to Support Your Responder Through an IA
Preparing Your Family for a Critical Incident
Identifying Baseline and Recognizing Deviations
Containment exercise for families and more!
Responder courses & resources include:
Living with Chronic Pain
Post Critical Incident Care
Performance-based Mindfulness Practices
Guided Mindfulness Exercises
Crushing Retirement Myths
Peer Support Coursework
Chaplain’s Corner and more!
Details about our partnership with the National Center
As a RMPFC Member we have FREE access to courses, tools, and resources.
Please contact us for login information.
Chaplains may additionally provide the following 20% off coupon code to responders and their families who may need training and resources. Contact us for more information.
Status: Code 4, Inc. was created following the numerous reports of First Responder suicides across the United States and Canada. SC4I is in the unique position to intimately understand the stressors associated with being a First Responder. The results of these stressors contribute to a vast number of issues. These issues include depression, anxiety, PTSD, Compassion Fatigue, divorce, domestic violence, and substance abuse.
Check out the videos on Suicide Awareness, Substance Abuse, Children of Emergency Responders, and Leadership Awareness.
Follow the journeys of 4 Tacoma Firefighters, as they share their stories of pain, sacrifice, and resiliency in the midst of an unprecedented call volume increase. The film provides an intimate glimpse into the lives of those who put it all on the line everyday, in an effort to prove once and for all that NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE… In a profession that few ever see, and even fewer understand, a crisis is brewing amongst today’s first responders. Over 37% meet clinical diagnosis for PTSD, and most go untreated and even unrecognized. In a culture where showing vulnerability means showing weakness, this ground-breaking documentary attempts to break down these barriers and smash the stigma of mental health in the fire service.
Video Resources
Honest Preacher
Compassion Fatigue
Misconceptions of Police Brutality
PTSD and Mental Health.
Alcohol in LE
Stress in the LE Family.
Paul Harvey COPS
The reality of Burnout
Firefighter Chronicles is many times a funny way to look at emergency services and the experiences we have. In this video, he talks about the reality of the struggle with suicide.
Beyond the Badge, A Spiritual Survival Guide for Cops and Their Families
I Love a Cop, Revised Edition: What Police Families Need to Know
Police families are brave, resilient, and proud--and they face remarkable challenges, sometimes on a daily basis. Now thoroughly updated for today's turbulent times, this is the resource that cops and their loved ones have relied on for decades. Trusted expert Ellen Kirschman gives you practical ways to manage the stress of the job and create a healthy, supportive home environment. The third edition features the latest information, new stories from police families, two new chapters, and fully updated resources.
Spiritual Survival for Law Enforcement
NOURISHING THE SPIRIT OF EVERYDAY HEROES This book is designed to provide spiritual fortification for officers who are faced with a barrage of experiences in the course of their careers which challenge their most deeply held personal beliefs. Jam-packed with exercises, tools, and insights, this practical guide restores inner peace and clarity. A must have for all new and seasoned law enforcement officers!
Emotional survival for law enforcement: A guide for officers and their families 1st Printing Edition
This is a useful book to understand the culture, mindset and challenges facing Law Enforcement Officers. Dr. Gilmartin provides a realistic and colorful foundation for the stress and frustrations facing our LE Family.
Living Blue: Helping Law Enforcement Officers and Their Families Survive and Thrive from Recruitment to Retirement
Living Blue is designed to increase wellness in officers, their families, and ultimately, their communities. In Living Blue, you will learn how to:
Incorporate a vicarious trauma-informed approach to policing.
Manage compassion fatigue, burnout, secondary trauma, and moral injury.
Change the culture and stigma that prevents law enforcement professionals from getting help.
Boost resilience and achieve posttraumatic growth.
Prevent law enforcement officer suicide.
THE work of a chaplain
An ideal starting point for all, including seminarians, who are exploring a call to chaplaincy ministry. Unlike most other books in this field which are specific to one form of chaplaincy and are often written from an autographical viewpoint only, this new resource meets a critical need for an introductory and overview look at chaplaincy in general.
Ministry during a pandemic
Rev. Dr. Naomi Paget BCC, FBI Chaplain and Crisis Interventionist, is a certified member of the American Red Cross Spiritual Response Team -Task Force and Divisional Advisor, Denver Seminary Critical Incident Stress Management Team, and Director of the California Disaster Relief Chaplain program. This book provides great perspectives as we serve during difficult times.
Engage - Calm - Distract: Understanding and Responding to Children in Crisis
Children pose particular challenges to EMS and emergency department providers under both daily and disaster operations. In addition to the unique physical differences and medical needs, children have different emotional needs that providers find difficult to address. Pediatric patients can trigger responders’ own emotions, interfering with their information processing and decision making. Responders have reported that their own emotional responses, lack of experience in working with children, and the emotions of family members can negatively affect the quality of care when responding to pediatric emergencies.
The First Responder Healing Manual: Biblical Solutions for Line of Duty Stress & Trauma
Every day, first responders immerse themselves in the chaos and confusion of other people's very bad days. Eventually, it takes a toll. How do you handle it? Suck it up and drive on - right? But which is best: to stuff it, employ temporary coping mechanisms and self-medicate in harmful ways, or to experience actual healing and resilience from God - your Creator and Healer? This interactive manual combines best practices from the medical and mental health communities with the timeless principles from the Bible that have addressed the effects of stress and trauma for centuries.
Bullets in the Washing Machine
Melissa Littles, Founder of The Police Wife Life, is an advocate for Law Enforcement Officers and their families. Bullets in the Washing Machine, her first release, is a compilation of short stories and poems, focusing on seeing the positives through the daily struggles of living a life in Law Enforcement. Melissa hopes to not only bring encouragement to those in law enforcement but to bring awareness to the general public of the daily sacrifices and misconceptions related to law enforcement officers. Melissa Littles is married to Officer Bervis Littles of the Edmond Police Department, in Edmond, Oklahoma. Officer Littles is a Hostage Negotiator, Suicide Prevention Officer and a School Resource Officer.
CopShock: Surviving Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Nightmares, flashbacks, anger, concentration problems, emotional detachment, avoidance of people and places... These are some of the signs of PTSD. As many as one in three cops may suffer from PTSD, a condition that could lead to depression, suicidal thoughts, addictions, eating disorders as well as job and family conflict. CopShock prepares police officers for the aftermath of horrific trauma, helps families understand PTSD's effect on their loved ones, tells true stories of officers-men and women-with PTSD, and offers over 200 support sources.
The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe
The War on Cops exposes the truth about officer use of force and explodes the conceit of “mass incarceration.” A rigorous analysis of data shows that crime, not race, drives police actions and prison rates. The growth of proactive policing in the 1990s, along with lengthened sentences for violent crime, saved thousands of minority lives. In fact, Mac Donald argues, no government agency is more dedicated to the proposition that “black lives matter” than today’s data-driven, accountable police department.
An Occupational Risk: What Every Police Agency Should Do To Prevent Suicide Among Its Officers
Suicide among members of law enforcement is not an easy topic to approach. It is sad and painful on many levels. It is challenging to research and, therefore, difficult to understand. Many people find it hard even to talk about the subject. But it is imperative that we do talk about the problem, try to understand it more fully, and find new ideas for preventing suicide among our officers, because officer suicide is a national crisis. More officers die by suicide each year than are killed in the line of duty. Nationwide, the risk of suicide among police officers is 54 percent greater than among American workers in general. This is why PERF decided to take on this issue as part of our Critical Issues in Policing series.
by his design- way of hope
Dave and Beth Weikel have worked in full-time ministry, business, and public education for over 30 years. God is using their season of loss to provide hope and healing for others. They have many resources that can support you as a Chaplain and those we serve.
The Way of Hope - Sorrows visit all of us in many forms: job layoffs, doctor reports, divorces, foreclosures, prison sentences, natural disasters, or deaths of loved-ones. But sometimes it is through brokenness that God can reach deepest into a heart. Beth and Dave Weikel help readers follow Jesus, leading all who will follow through the way of suffering that God's Son knows so intimately, and into his very real, here-and-now hope.
Chaplain Prayer Book
This is the perfect prayer book for Chaplains, First Responders, Ministers, Military, Doctors, Nurses, Nursing home staff and many people working in the care and people fields. In your vocation, you may come across people of different religions daily. There are four religions represented to help people get through some of the most life changing experiences they will ever have. The religions represented are: Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Islamic. Prayer with a family after a death of a loved one Prayer for healing Prayer for patients who are nearing death Prayer for renewed faith Prayer on heartbreak of patients and family Prayer on heartbreak of a healthcare worker Prayer for your new baby’s future Prayer following the death of a baby Prayer to calm anger Prayer to help let go of a dying loved one Prayer for forgiveness Prayer for easing pain Prayer for changes in one’s life Prayer of thanksgiving Prayer when leaving the hospital.
It’s Not About the Badge
It’s Not About the Badge profiles the lives and careers of six small town police officers with extraordinary stories. Delve into their personal lives and walk their journey of compelling real-life tales. Read about ordinary people from various backgrounds where you’ll discover the human spirit of the men and women behind the badge. Take an up close and personal look at police officers and how the work impacts their life, told in an interesting and unique creative non-fiction format
American Association of Suicidology
The American Association of Suicidology encourages further study in the field of suicidology by clinicians as well as the general public. The AAS states their mission is to encompass advanced study into suicidology as a field of science, educate the public in efforts to reduce the number of suicides worldwide, analyze and break down suicidal behaviors, and promote further research and training in the growing field of suicidology.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. Participants learn to recognize when someone may be at risk of suicide and respond in ways that help increase their immediate safety and link them to further help. ASIST aims to enhance a caregiver’s abilities to help a person at risk avoid suicide. There are several organizations that facilitate this training.
Blue H.E.l.p
Honoring the Service of Law Enforcement Officers Who Died by Suicide
Offering comfort and honor to the families who have lost an officer to suicide is necessary to maintain the credibility of the thin blue line. All officers, regardless of method of death, deserve thanks; all families deserve your support.
Emergency Responder Crisis Text Line
This is a free crisis line you can distribute to your Agency, Officers, Staff and Families. Reach out to a professional counselor. This is completely confidential, Free, 24/7 support for all Emergency Responders. (Work-related, personal, substance use, depression, romantic, financial . . ) No need to suffer in silence.
TEXT “BADGE” to 741741
Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers - USA
The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers-USA (FCPO) brings hope to those without hope in the law enforcement community. We are an organization dedicated to ministering to the spiritual and emotional needs of the 1.1 million local, state and federal law enforcement officers in the United States. With 250 chapters across the nation, the FCPO brings Christian officers together, discipling, challenging, and equipping them to reach their fellow officers for Christ.
Gallagher’s heroes fallen officer’s fund - free bibles
Please contact the foundation website or ordering through to fill out the form and indicate how many Bibles are needed. If you have any questions, contact Janice at 864-331-1973 or
Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention and Awareness
Law enforcement agencies are shaken to the core with the death of one of their own. The response is even more complex when that death comes at the officer's own hand. IACP has long recognized there is an urgent and ongoing need for leadership on the issue of employee suicide prevention and awareness.
Officer Down Memorial Page
The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc., (ODMP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring America's fallen law enforcement officers. More than 24,000 officers have died in the line of duty in the United States since 1776 and ODMP is honored to preserve their memories and give friends, family, other officers, and citizens alike the opportunity to remember the fallen and honor their sacrifices.