Boulder County Fire Assistance


We are all trying to process the unbelievable events unfolding in Boulder County. We have many agencies and chaplains directly impacted by the fire, evacuations, loss of property and working to serve in an incredibly difficult situation.

We will work to gather information from our chaplains and agency reps in the direct fire areas. Our goal will be to come alongside our team and their officers/firefighters to bring needed resources and support. At this point, prayer is our most effective tool. Please make time to specifically pray for everyone directly impacted.

We are collecting needs from the community in an effort to try to direct resources. If you have a need, please fill out the attached link and we will attempt to assist or direct to to the appropriate organization. https://rmpc.breezechms.com/form/bc4944

If you would like to donate through Rocky Mountain Police and Fire Chaplains to help provide assistance, please donate here and select "Boulder County Fire Assistance" from the drop down menu. https://rmpc.breezechms.com/give/online

As we learn of resources and support organizations, we will list them below.