Swearing in Chaplains - Castle Rock PD by Travis Akins

Each department that brings in chaplains to serve those who serve us have the opportunity to change the culture of the department and honor the service of their chaplains. Castle Rock Police Department in Colorado has had a chaplain program for many years but are developing their program into a better utilized resource to support their officers, staff, and their family.

At the swearing in ceremony of the department chaplains, the Castle Rock command staff committed to use their chaplain team in a greater way and commemorated this pledge by having the chaplains say the Chaplain Oath and present them with a Chaplain Badge. Castle Rock PD invited other chaplains from the region, family members, friends, and department personnel, a wonderful morning of celebration. Chaplain Tim Ralph of Douglas County SO shared Proverbs 19 and Chaplain Travis Akins of Rocky Mountain Police & Fire Chaplains spoke about the Value of Chaplaincy. This was a ceremony done right and was wonderful to experience.

A word of encouragement to all of our chaplains, departments with chaplains, and departments considering a chaplain program, recognizing the sacrifice and service of your chaplain team is important.  Every department makes a big deal about swearing in Officers and Firefighters as they begin their service to the community. Many times our chaplains enter into service quietly and behind the scenes. What many in leadership don’t realize is the sacrifice made by our chaplains to enter into a world of struggle, trauma, and desperation. Our chaplains also suffer from trauma as they serve as emergency responder chaplains. Our chaplains can play a huge part of the healthy culture departments desire. A responder that his healthy will perform better, keep a better attitude towards life, get injured less often, and stay with the department longer.

Chaplains, be encouraged, you are helping change the world!
You are called to this ministry of presence to be used by God in mighty ways.

Travis Akins