Rocky Mountain Police & Fire Chaplains
Code of Ethics
I understand, as a Chaplain in Rocky Mountain Police & Fire Chaplains, that I will function in a pluralistic environment with chaplains of other religious bodies to provide for ministry to all Emergency Responder Personnel, Professional Staff, and their families entrusted to my care.
I will recognize that my obligation is to provide for the free exercise of religion for all members of the emergency responder community.
I will remain faithful the traditions and practices of my religious body.
I will carefully adhere to the direction conveyed to me by my endorsing religious body for the continuation of my endorsement.
I will seek to provide pastoral care and ministry to persons of religious bodies other than my own within my area of responsibility with the same investment of myself as I give to members of my own religious body. I will work collegially and respectfully with chaplains of religious bodies other than my own as together we seek to provide as full a ministry as possible to those we serve.
I will maintain a disciplined ministry in such ways to maintain a healthy work life balance including: keeping hours of prayers, study, and worship, endeavoring to maintain wholesome family relationships, and regularly engaging in educational and recreational activities for professional and personal development.
I will seek to maintain good physical and mental health habits.
I will hold in confidence any privileged communication received by me during the conduct of my ministry. I will not disclose confidential communications in private or in public.
I will not proselytize while serving in my duties of chaplain. I will be a witness and example of my beliefs and theology, displayed by my daily actions and decisions. I will be available to answer questions brought to me by any and all emergency responder personnel, professional staff, and their family.
I will show personal love for God in my life and ministry as I strive together with my colleagues to preserve the dignity, maintain the discipline, and promote the integrity of the profession to which we have been called.
I recognize the special power afforded to me by my ministerial office. I will never use that power in ways that violate the personhood of another human being, religiously, emotionally, or sexually. I will use my pastoral office only for that which is best for the persons under my ministry.
The RMPFC Chaplain will conduct themselves with the highest level of character. This standard will be Biblically established upon the expectations of God to live with purity and integrity. The Chaplain should live a life worthy of their calling and abstain from sinful behavior.